
Our Services

Selection Process

Plots will be distributed on a first come, first serve basis with application processing beginning in January of each year. Preference will be given to families with school-aged children, veterans, and other community affiliates (Northeast Side Church of Christ, Heal 901, and Memphis Youth Athletics).

Planting / Harvesting

Gardeners will be assigned a plot, be given basic gardening tools, and a packet of a variety of seeds. Gardeners are not restricted to the provided seeds, but whatever is grown must be within acceptable guidelines set by Never Hungry Community Gardens. Gardeners will be allowed to store provided equipment/tools in a shed located directly adjacent to their plot. The equipment is located in a storage area that corresponds to the plot number.

Opportunities for Expansion

Instructional seminars available online and in person with gardening education, including when and how to plant and harvest, specifically pertaining to seeds provided by Never Hungry Community Gardens or upon request of the gardeners.

Educational Involvement

With plots already dedicated to local schools, we hope to serve as a site for field trips for school-aged children as well as a visiting site colleges, including TSU School of Agriculture.

Winter Produce

Initial months of operation will be from March to December with hopes to expand to growth of produce that thrives in colder climate.

Therapeutic Restoration for Veterans

With plots already dedicated to growth of produce for our local veterans, we hope to serve as a site for our veterans to visit and get active gardening the plots for fellow veterans.